Arielle Arnold – Playful Profile
Explain what surprised you the most about becoming a parent and tell us what you imagine for your daughter’s future.
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Explain what surprised you the most about becoming a parent and tell us what you imagine for your daughter’s future.
Ministry of the Month MOM Redeemer will once again be donating winter wear for our homeless veterans. They are in need of stocking caps, gloves, scarves, socks, and thermal underwear.
Shirley Olson Shirley is very excited to be going with her son and grandson back to her hometown of Arlington, South Dakota. She can’t wait to see everybody! They have
We invite you to read this delightful interview with church member Sam Miltner, age 7.
Sam is a big fan of trains and music.
In our day, the Internet is leaving its mark on churches and we are trying to catch up to the culture as a whole. Just think how Redeemer and Grace are rethinking how to continue on-line worship services.
Flood Relief for the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese of Tamzania GOAL: The Northwest Intermountain Synod is working to raise $34,000 to assist our Companion Synod, the Ulanga
Luther Heights Sunday On Sunday, June 9th you’re invited to wear your camp gear to church as we pray for Luther Heights and all of
Boise Downtown Church VBS Join Redeemer and several other churches in the Boise area for Vacation Bible School, hosted at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Programming will
All are invited to an Easter Celebration followed with a potluck brunch Please join us for a potluck brunch after the service Easter Sunday, March
Welcome to Redeemer’s Book Reading Group! You are welcome to join our Book Reading Group as we begin reading our next book: Robin Wall Kimmerer’s
Creation Care Conversation Group If you have an interest in being a part of a Creation Care Conversation Group at Redeemer, please contact Keith Hammer