Boise Downtown Church VBS June 24-28 Grades K-6th Host: Immanuel Lutheran 707 W First St Created to be Mon-Thurs 9am-noon Bring Your Own Lunch $40 per child $100 Family Max Register at

Boise Downtown Church VBS

Join Redeemer and several other churches in the Boise area for Vacation Bible School, hosted at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Programming will be led by Luther Heights summer camp staff along with several pastors and ministry staff from the churches involved. For children in Kindergarten through 6th grade, 9am to 3pm Monday through Thursday and 9am to Noon on Friday. Each child is asked to bring their own lunch for each day. $40 per child with a $100 family max. Contact Pr. Mariah with any questions or if you would like to register ( Come and learn who God has created us to be!